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Ready, Set, Go!

View my open  house Prezi using the embedded presentation above or visit this link.

Ready, Set, Go!

Project Description:


This project required preservice teachers to create a Prezi that they could use as an Open House presentation to introduce themself to their students and classroom community members. The project also required that preservice teachers create a classroom beginning of year newsletter in both English and Spanish to inform classroom community members of upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and school supply lists.



The first page of my newsletter is shown to the left. To download the assingment in its entirety, use the download tool below.

Standards Met:



1) Facilitae and inspire student learning and creativity.

3) Model digital age work and learning.

4) Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility.


NC Professional Teaching:

Standard II: Teachers establisha respectful environment for a diverse population of students.


Standard IV: Teachers facilitate learning for their students.


21st Century Skills:

-Life and career skills

-Learning and innovation

-Information, media, and technology skills

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