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About Me:

Career Goals:


-To foster a sense of self efficacy and academic empowerment in students through engaging lessons, culturally relevant pedagogy, and social justice based curriculum.


-To present students with lessons that are intriguing and appealing to their own unique interests. Differentiation based on interest will be a constant present in my classroom.


-To create an affinity for reading and literature by building a substantial class library and having familiarity with my students' reading preferences.



Teaching Experiences:

- Block I Intern at Mulberry Elementary School in Miss Heather Holloway's fourth grade classroom


-Canoe and kayak instructor at Camp Riverlea in Bahama, North Carolina


-Genius Hour student advisor at Cove Creek Elementary School in Vilas, North Carolina

Volunteer Experiences:

- Partnered with the Curriculum and Instruction Math Educators and Teachers to Teachers International on a trip to provide professional development for teachers at San Felipe and St. Benedict in Punta Gorda, Belize. This was my service learning project for CI 3000.


-Provided campus tours for elementary aged students to promote higher education.


-Fall and Spring Farm Days through the Appalachian and the Community Together Office.


-Routinely served at contact tables for Appalachian's College of Education at Fall Open House, Spring Open House, and Freshman Preview Day.


-Miscellaneous: Habitat for Humanity, Hospitality House, angel tree, and trail maintainence.


-Photograph by Marissa Minnick.

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